Concrete Leveling Techniques

Concrete Leveling Bismarck lifts and evens sunken concrete surfaces, restoring them to their original position. This improves safety, functionality and appearance.Concrete Leveling

Uneven concrete isn’t just unsightly; it’s also a tripping and safety hazard. It’s important to catch damage early on to save money and prevent worse damage down the road.

There are several different ways to repair uneven concrete, including mudjacking and polyurethane foam injections. Here’s what you need to know about these methods.

Polyurethane foam injection is an effective method of lifting sunken concrete. It is a less invasive technique than traditional mudjacking and can be used on a wide range of seawalls and concrete structures. However, before this method can be implemented, the site must be prepared. This preparation includes cleaning the area, treating it with a chemical pre-treatment, and selecting the appropriate polyurethane material. This process will help enhance the efficiency of the injection, as well as improving the quality of the resulting lift.

The key to a successful injection is the selection of the correct polyurethane. There are various formulations, each with its own unique reaction speed and density. While some polyurethanes have a rapid reaction time, others take a longer period to react and densify the soil. This can be influenced by factors like temperature and moisture content, which can affect how far the material will penetrate into the subgrade.

Choosing the right polyurethane for the job will help to prevent damage from water intrusion and extend the life of the seawall or concrete structure. It is also important to choose a polyurethane that will be compatible with the environment. This will minimize environmental impact and reduce toxicity levels.

Injection of polyurethane is a fast and cost-effective repair technique. Unlike conventional mudjacking, which requires extensive construction, this method can be used on structures that are still in use. This makes it ideal for repairing sunken infrastructure assets, such as seawalls, bulkheads, and concrete slabs.

Another benefit of this injection method is its ability to stop leaks. Due to its hydrophobic nature, the polyurethane foam will repel water and prevent further damage.

Technicians can drill holes into the affected areas and inject the polyurethane directly into the crack. The foam will expand, pressing the soil particles together to improve stability and prevent further sinking. This minimally invasive technique greatly reduces the amount of work required to complete the repairs and increases efficiency. The injection system also includes advanced mixing gear to ensure that all components are mixed correctly, enhancing the performance and consistency of the foam.


Whether your concrete driveway, sidewalk or patio slab is sinking due to improper compaction or simply shifting soil conditions, mudjacking is a quick, efficient and effective solution. This method of concrete leveling involves drilling holes into the sunken surface and pumping a mixture of sand, water and cement. This slurry fills the gaps and voids beneath the concrete, lifting it back into place. It’s also a cost-effective alternative to replacement, and it can be used on many different types of concrete surfaces.

Uneven and sinking concrete can cause tripping hazards, which can lead to injuries in both residential and commercial settings. By lifting and leveling these surfaces, you can prevent further damage and ensure safety. Moreover, a smooth and even concrete surface is also more visually appealing than one with cracks or gaps.

The slurry used in mudjacking is a natural, non-toxic material, so it has a minimal impact on the environment. It also eliminates the need for new materials and reduces construction waste.

This is a faster process than replacing the entire slab, and it can usually be completed in one day. It’s a good option for high-traffic areas because it reduces downtime and disruption. It’s also a good option for those with budget constraints, as it costs less than complete slab replacement.

Mudjacking has some drawbacks, however. It can lead to further damage by adding too much weight to the soil below the concrete. It can also take several days for the slurry to cure, which makes it difficult to use the area during this time.

While mudjacking can be used to repair a variety of concrete surfaces, it’s not suitable for all situations. If your concrete has significant damage, or you’re concerned about the impact on the surrounding soil, we recommend using a more advanced concrete lifting method like polyurethane foam injection. This system offers significant improvements over mudjacking, including the ability to level concrete that’s covered in tiles or other cosmetic top treatments. Learn more about this innovative approach to concrete leveling here.

Slurry Grout

A less invasive concrete leveling solution, stone slurry grout utilizes a mixture of water and pulverized agricultural limestone to fill the space underneath sunken concrete slabs. It’s more effective than traditional mudjacking methods and provides a solid, sturdy foundation for uneven surfaces. However, this method is not without its drawbacks. For example, it takes more time to install and requires larger drill holes compared to foam leveling. Also, it’s not suitable for all concrete slabs, and it requires 24 hours of curing before vehicle traffic use can resume.

Sunken concrete isn’t just a nuisance, it’s often dangerous. It can create tripping hazards and lead to injuries, as well as expose your home to liability issues. Leveling sunken concrete can make these structures safer for pedestrians and your loved ones. However, with so many concrete leveling options available, it can be difficult to decide which approach is best for your unique needs. There are several factors to consider, including the severity of the problem and your budget.

When choosing a concrete leveling method, it’s important to understand how each technique works. For instance, some require a long curing period while others are quick and easy to install. It’s also critical to evaluate the cause of your uneven concrete, as this will affect the best repair method.

Some of the most common causes of sunken concrete include improper drainage, clogged gutters, and poorly placed downspouts. These can redirect water toward the affected area, eroding and dislocating the soil beneath the slab. Also, burrowing pests like woodchucks and chipmunks can disrupt the soil beneath slabs, causing them to settle.

While the best method for repairing sunken concrete will vary depending on the specific cause, polyurethane foam injection offers unparalleled durability. This lightweight yet incredibly strong material can lift concrete surfaces with ease, and it won’t place excessive weight on marginal soil.

The most common concrete leveling solutions are slurry grout, pressure grouting, and mudjacking. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the bottom line is that they all work to raise and level uneven concrete. By evaluating the severity of your concrete issue and determining your budget, you can choose the right method to restore sunken surfaces and protect your home.

Slab Jacking

A less expensive option than concrete replacement, slab jacking lifts settled concrete back into place. This process uses a combination of hydraulic pressure and the expansion of polyurethane foam to lift concrete. Slabs that are lifted using this method usually require a shorter curing time than grout methods.

The process starts by drilling small holes into the sunken slab. A special mixture—typically a slurry mix of water, soil, and sand—is then pumped through these holes. The slurry mix will fill voids underneath the slab and then lift it into position. Once the concrete is raised, it will be patched over and the drill holes will be filled with a specialized plug.

While it may be cheaper than concrete replacement, mudjacking has some drawbacks. For one, it can cause more damage to underlying soils than other methods. It can also be slow, and requires the technician to be careful not to raise too much at any one location.

In addition to the cost savings, this method of concrete leveling is a safer option than tearing out and replacing sunken concrete. Uneven concrete creates trip hazards that people can easily stumble over, especially in high-traffic areas like sidewalks and driveways. By leveling the concrete, these tripping hazards are eliminated, making your home a safer environment for everyone who enters and exits.

This process is also faster than removing and pouring new concrete. In fact, it can be completed in just a few hours. In addition, the concrete can be returned to use almost immediately afterward.

Another advantage of this concrete leveling method is that it’s eco-friendly. In contrast, traditional mudjacking grouts can be harsh on the environment, especially when disposed of improperly. In addition, slurry grouts have a tendency to wash away when it rains, whereas polyurethane foam is resistant to moisture and will stay put even in the face of precipitation.

While both mudjacking and concrete slab lifting can correct problems with sinking or uneven concrete, it’s important to consult a professional to decide which solution is best for you. For more information about repairing your sunken concrete with either of these methods, or to schedule a free inspection, contact Helitech today.

Kevin Alcaraz